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4網絡Ж摘:2013/10/11(金) 03:09:47
「Blue Moon with a violent quake of 7.9 on the magnitude in the Philippines on 2012/08/31」

Just before this earthquake, the blue moon was observed and large & long scale clouds were witnessed over some regions of Japan.

On the other hand, a group-violence murder case( the Roppongi-club assault case ) happened in Minato-ku, Roppongi of Tokyo( Japan ) on 2012/09/02 .
Besides, it's told that one( Shinichi.見立 ) of the principal offenders of the murder case escaped to the Philippines of all places.

It was reported through mass-media that Sun Myung Moon(文鮮明) who is known as the founder of the Unification Church(統一教会) died on 2012/09/03 .
※ Members of this religious association are called‘Moonie’.

Sun Myung Moon asserted that he had received a divine revelation before he founded the religious association.
But, it's often pointed out that the spirit on his assertion might be more precisely the Lam( namely the gray-type alien ) rather than the god .



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