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Selected Posts on Anti-relativity

56中山:2024/03/25(月) 14:07:05
Centrifugal force (again) (クリ)

Rods of length 4r and 2r are rotating horizontally in the shape of a cross. Assume that four tip of the rod each has mass point of mass m, and the mass of the rod is zero. Tension (centrifugal force) acting on the rod is a true force.

The formula for centrifugal force is F = m v^2/r. And as Newton's third law of motion shows, centrifugal force is an action and centripetal force is a reaction. The magnitude of the force is the same. The two are true forces.

Tension is centrifugal force, an effect of Newton's third law of motion, and centripetal force is a reaction. The two are true forces. Rotational motion can be boiled down to accelerated motion and non-accelerated motion (including absolute rest). Frame will be the celestial sphere and the aether.


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