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3Tears Of Buddha:2004/06/26(土) 18:14 HOST:21.net219117103.t-com.ne.jp
(Shown below is a copy of my comment,
which was posted to other site and rejected twice,
first around 2:30 and second at 11:32 both in GMT at 06/15/04.
I just show it here, because I think it sugests much about
what is going around in this rotten world.)

About the viscios force that dictates this world
by Tears Of Buddha

I totally agree on the ideas like "Britain for the British"
"France for the French" and "Germany for the German",
and also sympathize with the serious situation of your country
which is described as "the third world invasion".
But what is decisively important for us now is to know
how this world is manipulated by our common enemy,
isn't it?

I have read some of "conspiracy theories" prevailing on Net
but most of them are not sufficent in my point of view,
because they never talk about the real source of power
to dictate this world, i.e. communism.
And that is enough for me to suspect that
these phony theories were made up
by our enemy itself to hide the reality.

As I have written in my site,
one of main problems of our modern society is that
"too much tolerance" is imposed on any society
shrewdly by our common ennemy.
So It is my sincere hope to share some wisdom
to conquer these vicious dictatorship
with any one who is fighting with our common enemy.
And thank you for all who have read my bad english to the end.


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