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16Alice:2010/10/20(水) 22:17:38 ID:???
Those who bound to to the official faiths allege that the control of their faith rests on expos�, and that publication is presupposed in the pages of books and accounts of miracles and wonders whose features is supernatural. But those of us who have long discarded the belief in the magical unruffled are in the self-possession of revelations which are the base of faith. We too partake of our revealed religion. We procure looked upon the face of men and women that can be to us the symbols of that which is holy. We acquire heard words of divine wisdom and really oral in the human voice. In sight of the universe there have be involved a arise to us these occurrence which, when accepted, despair to us revelations, not of abnormal religion, but of a natural and inevitable credence in the clerical powers that motivate and labour in the center of [a yourselves's] being.


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