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新約こち亀!!〜英語講座編 by中川先生、麗子先生

1常盤台のお嬢様コンビ、御坂美琴、食蜂操祈:2016/10/20(木) 20:01:03 ID:wcRffkDg0

2フランスandベトナム留学コンビ、美琴と食蜂:2016/10/23(日) 16:53:19 ID:uARu/css0

I remember my heart attacked by your looking at me and having your eyes

when this earthquake happen and cool news
you are afraid to have face cheer up,
how to do,how to feel.

do not stand and stop ,be afraid.
let us get over the wall going for it.

how far it is,I will regard my heart as keeping mind and stand by yours

be fight for future , I will drew make me realize it and keep your hand.

3フランスandベトナム留学コンビ、美琴と食蜂:2016/10/29(土) 20:30:55 ID:ZGAMMHzw0
【御堂春】from 大阪市。2003年11月。
alternativeとある魔術to白い桃色のアオザイby桔梗who is called ≪いとこ≫の【纒】の母親

【about taking care plan of children】

I think that it matter and count to bring
up and raise it,


I maintain it is important for us
to take seducate,to care of it for children in future.

for,I am very moved,impressed and excited
in your ideas to tell us it.

I hope children to find it by myself.
I want us to make a plan.
I would like us to look
for it to study it.
as a result,
let us take a think that
father and mother enables
us to look up it.
to have a dream to come true and to get it.

we cause us to grow up.
we lead to us into adult.
we make us happy life to live sound.
we allow us to raise it.

let us create a smile home with you.
have us make a new house each other forever.


1、my heart will go on〜≪タイタニック≫98#11#
【ポール・モーリアfrom フランス】



4ほしとうでん:2016/12/16(金) 22:55:21 ID:s/kaNco60

5島崎セバスチャン:2019/01/21(月) 03:08:21 ID:I14hIqik0

三杉君say to 弥生ちゃん
that I will be willing to become a soccer player,at last,Let 弥生ちゃん take
a date in the武蔵fc,where there is a special place.

弥生ちゃんsay to you
that what make you think?

三杉君explain to 弥生ちゃんwho is called aサッカー女子マネ
that I see you take a talk about 土方歳三who belong to副長of新撰組.

I am very pleased to take a walk with you in多摩川の土手from調布to田園都市

、at the same time
to hear you look at it
you to looks like a summer girl
which is called 堀北まき

三杉君say to you
that it is important
to get over 心臓病 with all my heart impressed by anxious sound,
I will be able to take a date with you
to hope to get along with me and
to would like to fall in love,

Let you take a song,
have you give me a hot message

my heart will go on

弥生ちゃんsay to you
that it is pleasure
to be willing to look forward to going to take a soccer

6白鳥れいじ&星逃田 67巻:2019/01/21(月) 12:49:35 ID:fZgorRBE0
during the summer vacation,白鳥れいじ is going to take a walk with 秋本麗子who comes from the ≪○○≫of フランス

しらとりれいじ is satisfied with seeing a beautiful girl who is named ≪○○≫

1ーーようかいだーぶたこwho belong to こち亀 ,when 両津 was seeing you as 有村佳純,
as a result 両津who comes from≪3≫of 下町、that is from 浅草花やしきto亀有公園前派出所which means a park in front of 線路which is called ≪京王線高尾山行く、小田急準急、西武新宿線、京成高砂駅、常磐線綾瀬駅≫

中川 is glad to talk about making a cake which is called ≪ブッシュドノエル、when78巻→納豆和風ケーキ≫

on the other hand,
ようかいだぶたこ is happy that it is pleasure to say to ≪星逃田、白鳥れいじ、佐々木洋子、チャーリー小林≫that
she is anxious about telling a lie
,whereas 秋本麗子 is about to tell a message which means that it is pleasure
to take a date with 白鳥れいじ

白鳥れいじis excited by seeing 麗子像which
is called日本史資料集

with all 星逃田 is impressed by having my 髪の毛 far from 毛髪



7大原部長の友人:2019/01/21(月) 13:34:06 ID:fZgorRBE0
両津 is afraid to talk about ≪競馬のやりすぎ、ベーゴマをしている、小室哲哉の流行歌を聴く≫

on the other hand,
大原部長 suggest that I make 両津 take a clean、when I take a work with 星逃田、
although I take off time to take a play

at last
両津 is bound to take a soccer with≪石崎君、日向小次郎君、森崎君、大空翼君≫

両津is willing to get along with you who take part in the キャプテン翼チーム
which means ≪三杉弥生、日向小次郎の彼女、


浦辺君 who belong to 南葛fc,
as a result I am pleased to take a foot
in order to make a decision to have 新田瞬君≪who,which,whereas,although≫means

大空翼say to 森崎君that it is not dangerous to make friend with≪ラグビーボール、サッカーボール≫

that is
日向小次郎say to 若島津君
that I am not afraid to have your hand injured by ≪タイガーショット、ドライブシュート、北国シュートtake afterイーグルショット、
バナナシュートwhich means ≪?≫by≪岬太郎
who belong to ≪時系列を並び替え→南葛、明和FC、ふらのFC、フランス≫

石崎君who make friend with beautiful girl who take after≪平戸in長崎の次藤君の親戚、若林の友人の顔が、こち亀の両津と似てる→シュナイダー、シェスター、マーガス、チャーリー小林、カルツ≫

8大原部長の友人:2019/01/21(月) 14:08:35 ID:fZgorRBE0
両津 is pleased to see you who is called ≪チャーリー小林、ダメ太郎、ボルボ、本田≫

to take a eat which is called ≪気球で、カレー作り≫allow you to have 気球≪hurt.wound,frightened≫



9アメリカ留学コンビ:2019/01/21(月) 18:22:37 ID:7/9xXads0
両津勘吉 is glad to hear 秋本麗子 take a song in order to see 両津勘吉 take a wake up to have your mind change negative to positive.

秋本麗子who comes from フランス say to 星逃田 that it is important to look forward to seeing 海パン刑事.

麗子 is cry to look at ドルフィン刑事91巻.
on the other hand,
中川 is excited by 月光刑事87巻
while 本田 is satisfied with バクニュウ大佐125巻

as a result,
to see 本田 take a see with オリアナートムソン≪とある魔術9巻≫
本田 to be excited by taking a hand with my eye impressed by 法仙夜空≪ハヤテのごとく≫

乙姫奈々 is shocked by 本田は浮気発覚



10大空本田 と 岬長友 の 黄金コンビ:2019/01/23(水) 07:39:24 ID:Hz2cY4hE0

to watch TV take about ≪ドーハの悲劇≫which means ≪日本プロサッカー創設の黎明期≫allow ≪between三浦カズandゴン中山≫ to take a next age

ラモスsuggest to japanese children that I hope サッカー日本代表に≪キャプテン翼≫の、≪大空翼≫のような世界のイタリア名門チームで活躍する天才的MF≪become2010年。日本サッカー代表本田圭介≫、




≪1993年葵しんご≫→take after





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