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25BOTが嫌いな名無しさん:2004/04/01(木) 17:23 ID:eZE.FPlM

The tripod, Inc. employment person in charge.
Nice to meet you,This is ○○.(in Japan)
In some cases, he wanted to visit about service of your company, and I was allowed to send mail.
http://rmt19.tripod.com/ in the server on the network which your company is provided with service and managed
In http://rmt19.tripod.com/, I checked that there were contents which promote the act which breaks online game agreement called RagnarokOnline.
If I will explain briefly, those who are sponsoring the above-mentioned URL are applied to a wicked dishonest act "cash transaction of data" in the online game "RagnarokOnline" which is the charged contents which the company here distributes.
Since it was too much unbearable, I was allowed to report on leaving it. Moreover, please also refer to this one.
Moreover, he wanted to tell [ whether installation of the contents which recommend the violation of agreement of such the other company is admitted, and ] the view of your company, and to wish, and I was allowed to mail in the Web rental service and the network service which your company offers as goods.
If there is an unknown point about the above-mentioned contents, since I will explain [ whether it can do and ], I ask you to reply well so that I may connect.


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