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1tanasinn:2010/03/31(水) 15:36:57
  ε ⌒ヘ⌒ヽフ
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Hello, I am an American. Can someone fluent in English please educate me in what tanasinn means or comes from?

Love, Pig American.

2tanasinn:2010/05/07(金) 11:37:30
Tanasinn is tanasinn. Don't think, feel, and you will be tanasinn.

3tanasinn:2010/05/17(月) 23:14:05
tanasinn has no meaning.
But,that is not noise.tanasinn is true.
tanasinn is not only god but also daemon.tanasinn is tanasinn.
Don't worry. you accept tanasinn,you will not have bad emotions.
For example, sadness,angry,madness.
Human being separate two races.
Not accept tanasinn and accept tanasinn.

Don't think, feel it.

4tanasinn:2010/05/20(木) 23:53:35
tanasinn comes from our mind that human wants to be a "god"and wants not to die.
nor the mind is true.
and human created non-death life on internet.
power to tanasinn.

Don't think feel it.

5tanasinn:2010/05/27(木) 00:45:56
tansasinn is some of noises on internet.
And,faith of tanasinn is not international.
by the way,I wondered why is tanasinn so popular.
I think one reason about this problem.
So,it is ... sorry I am feeling strange emotion now.
I cannot think about it.
I feel...
I feel...
So,this is tanasinn...
What is that?.....
So,...it...it is... it is....

6tanasinn:2010/07/29(木) 18:15:32
tanasinn has no meaning.So you can not understand and no one can tell you.
tanasinn is system aiming at overfollw human's brain.
You ,human fell stress at the face of something you can not understand.
It is almost same the question "why i was born? " ,or "why the space is there? "

7tanasinn:2010/07/29(木) 22:57:53
You are f***'n bitch pig!

8tanasinn:2010/12/11(土) 23:01:33


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